Granbury MCJROTC

Represents: Granbury High School MCJROTC

Current Record: 2 - 1

Season Average: 2445.00

Game Score: 2458.9

Eldorado MCJROTC

Represents: Eldorado High School MCJROTC

Current Record: 0 - 1

Season Average: 2356.60

Game Score: 2356.6

Granbury MCJROTC (1 - 0) 2458.9 defeats Eldorado MCJROTC (0 - 1) 2356.6

Competition Recap

Granbury MCJROTC defeats Eldorado MCJROTC

Granbury MCJROTC defeated Eldorado MCJROTC 2458.9 to 2356.6 in the 2022 National Air Rifle - Precision Championship Tournament. Granbury MCJROTC was led by Caroline Martin who shot a 619.1. The remaining contributing members were Julia Czernik, Ashton Arlington, Sunnee Schumann, and Kameron Wells. They are from Granbury, TX, and are coached by LtCol Scott Casey.

Granbury MCJROTC is competing in the Champions Division where they are the 2nd seed.

Eldorado MCJROTC was led by Rory Claussen who shot a 606.9. The remaining contributing members were Carter Paas, Haylie Garcia, Nicolas Tenorio, and . Eldorado MCJROTC is from Alburquerque, NM, and is coached by James Koerber.

Next up Granbury MCJROTC will compete against Ole Mill Rangers from Griffin, GA in the semi-final game of the Precision Championship Tournament.

Box Score:

Granbury MCJROTC team page:

Eldorado MCJROTC team page:

28 Nov-04 Dec 22

Rank Participant Region ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 ST 4 ST 5 ST 6 Team
1 Granbury MCJROTC Granbury, TX 409.5 411.2 409.0 410.4 410.6 408.2 2458.9
MARTIN , Caroline (348255) 101.7 104.0 103.9 103.3 103.9 102.3 619.1
CZERNIK, Julia (372309) 103.7 103.2 100.5 102.0 102.7 103.6 615.7
ARLINGTON, Ashton (348397) 101.5 103.1 101.3 102.9 102.0 101.5 612.3
SCHUMANN, Sunnee (348260) 102.6 100.9 103.3 102.2 102.0 100.8 611.8
WELLS, Kameron (371913) 99.7 94.1 93.5 95.0 96.5 94.5 573.3
2 Eldorado MCJROTC Albuquerque, NM 395.1 394.3 393.3 387.6 386.1 400.2 2356.6
Claussen, Rory (371717) 100.5 100.8 102.1 101.3 100.3 101.9 606.9
Paas, Carter (387780) 96.7 98.2 97.5 99.4 96.8 100.2 588.8
Garcia, Haylie (387764) 99.5 99.8 100.7 91.0 93.1 100.7 584.8
Tenorio, Nicolas (371725) 98.4 95.5 93.0 95.9 95.9 97.4 576.1

28 Nov-04 Dec 22

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